the greatest news: a typewriter rests within my Leadership classroom and i can use it at my leisure.
the worst news: modern technology has ensured that mistakes can be erased at a touch of a key which has backlashed with the result of many, many errors
yesterday i wrote:
i have a word or two that i would like to
share with you. it might come easy for
me to stare at you and to listen to the
way you breath and sigh. i bet you can
imagine what your eyeswill never see
and what isgoing to come you way soon.
i'm not really struggling for anything
here eventhough i have spent an hour
just hitting these keys to tell you
that i have something to say, even
thogh i am already saying more than
iintended to ever say to you.
i can hit those keys perfectly because
i have spent my lie of a life writing
to you.
there i go again.
did i ever know it was you that my
words werebeing sent outto. did i ever
mean for all my days to lead up
to this letter righthere?
only the ghosts will know.
they are the ones who would hear my cries
into the lonley shadows that followed
mealongthe side walks at night,when i
looked forthe stars among the clouds.
i made afriend with the moon,who i knew
couldunderstand what i was saying
as i jumped over crack, after crack.
the moon is only bright one time a month,
for therest sheis over thrown by the sun
who determines her each night by how she f
eels. we have a fathomed understanding, th
the moon and i.
look, i just want you to be my sun. iwant
you to lightme up, but never leave my side
we;ll share the space together,we willneve
r run away from the other.
justbefair to me,et let me be a new moon
eachand every night that i stand inthe sky.